Entitled: “Laboring through uncertainty: an ethnography of the Chinese state, labor NGOs, and development,” Darcy’s PhD dissertation investigates how international development projects supporting labor activism work in contemporary China. Foregrounding the notion of uncertainty, Darcy studies how state control is exercised by examining a specific logic of practices, discourses, and a mode of existence that constantly mask and unmask the state. More specifically, the study explores how uncertainty about the boundaries of permissible activism is generative of a sociopolitical realm in which variously positioned subjects mobilize around the idea of the state, which in turn leads to articulations and practices conducive to both self-censorship and a contingent space of activism.
Darcy Pan: A new associate researcher has joined the project
Darcy Pan joined the Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University in 2010 and is expected to receive her doctorate in December 2016. She has now joined the project Global Foresight.
Last updated:
September 15, 2016
Source: Department of Social Anthropology