Nyqvist, Anette. Proxy Capitalists. The Voice and Role of Institutional Owners in Sweden. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Books. (contracted and in production).
Sörbom, Adrienne. The Davos Bee-hive: World Economic Forum and the Shaping of Global Market Agendas Palo Alto. Stanford University Press. (forthcoming).
Nyqvist, Anette. Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System. Opening the Orange Envelope. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
Garsten, Christina. Makt utan mandat. De policyprofessionella i välfärdssamhället (with Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors). Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag.
Nyqvist, Anette. Ombudskapitalisterna. Institutionella ägares röst och roll. Stockholm: Liber.
Fisher, Melissa. Wall Street Women. Durham: Duke University Press.
Sörbom, Adrienne. Politikens gränser: globalisering, socialdemokrati och banden till nationen. Stockholm: Atlas. [Political Boundaries: Globalization, Social Democracy and the Nation]
Flyverbom, Mikkel. The Power of Networks: Organizing the Global Politics of the Internet. Edward Elgar.
Andersson, Jenny. The Library and the Workshop. Social Democracy and Capitalism in the Knowledge Age. Stanford University Press.
Garsten, Christina. Workplace Vagabonds: Career and Community in Changing Worlds of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Nyqvist, Anette. Opening the Orange Envelope. Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System, dissertation. Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology 64. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
Andersson, Jenny. Between Growth and Security. Swedish Social Democracy from a Strong Society to a Third Way. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Sörbom, Adrienne. När vardagen blir politik. Stockholm: Atlas. [Politicizing Everyday Life]
Garsten, Christina. Apple World: Core and Periphery in a Transnational Organizational Culture. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Peer-reviewed articles
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Representing Participation in ICT4D Projects (with J.P. Singh). Telecommunications Policy. (accepted).
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Big data: Issues for International Political Sociology (with A. Koed Madsen, E. Ruppert and M. Hilbert), commissioned article for International Political Sociology. (accepted).
Fisher, Melissa. Building Alternative Feminist Economic Futures: WHEELS. Globalizations. Special issue on a Feminist Global Political Economy of the Everyday (edited by A. Roberts and J. Elias), online publication March, print July.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. The Management of Visibilities in the Digital Age, first editor of introduction to special issue (with P. Leonardi, C. Stohl and M. Stohl). International Journal of Communication, vol. 10.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Transparency – Mediation and Managed Visibilities. International Journal of Communication, vol. 10.
Garsten, Christina. Transparency as ideal and practice: Labour market policy and audit culture in the Swedish public employment service (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 1: 69-92.
Sörbom, Adrienne. Begreppet extremism – en kritisk introduktion (with Magnus Wennerhag). [Extremism – a critical introduction to the concept] ARKIV. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys, nr 5, 15-37.
Andersson, Jenny. Gouverner le «long terme». La prospective et la production bureaucratique des futurs en France (with Pauline Prat). Gouvernement & action publique, 3(3): 9-29.
Fisher, Melissa. Wall Street Women: Saviors of the Global Economy? Special issue on Critical perspectives on the Globally Mobile Professional and Managerial Class, Critical Perspectives in International Business, 11(2).
Flyverbom, Mikkel. The power-transparency nexus: Observational and regularizing control, first author (with H.K. Hansen and L.T. Christensen). Management Communication Quarterly.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Sunlight in cyberspace: On transparency as a form of ordering. European Journal of Social Theory.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Introduction to Special Issue: Logics of Transparency in Late Modernity: Paradoxes, Mediation and Governance (with L.T. Christensen and H.K. Hansen). European Journal of Social Theory.
Maguire, Mark. Speed, time and security: anthropological perspectives on automated border control (with E. Murphy). Etnofoor: Anthropological Journal, 27(2): 157-179.
Maguire, Mark. Ontological (in)security and African Pentecostalism in Ireland (with F. Murphy). Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 4: DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2014.1003315.
Maguire, Mark. Global and EU security: forum – rethinking Euro-anthropology. Social Anthropology, 23(3): 354-355.
Nyqvist, Anette. Insecurity in an Orange Envelope. Implications of a Reformed National Pension System in Sweden. PoLAR, Journal of Political and Legal Anthropology, 38(2): 265-278.
Nyqvist, Anette. The Corporation Performed. Minutes from the Rituals of Annual General Meetings. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 4(3): 341-355.
Picard, Sébastien. Ethics, Embodied Life and Esprit de Corps an ethnographic study with anti-money laundering analysts (with M. Pérezts and E. Faÿ). Organization, 22(2): 217-234.
Picard, Sébastien. Compliance or Comfort Zone? The Role of Embedded Ethics in Performing Regulation through Institutional Work (with M. Pérezts). Journal of Business Ethics, 131(4): 833-852.
Sörbom, Adrienne. After a Cycle of Contention: Post-Gothenburg Strategies of Left-Libertarian Activists in Sweden (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Social Movements Studies, 14(6): 713-732.
Andersson, Jenny. Governing the future: science, policy and public participation in the construction of the long term in the Netherlands and Sweden. History and technology: an international journal, 30(1-2): 104-122.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. The politics of transparency and the calibration of knowledge in the digital age (with H.K. Hansen). Organization.
Garsten, Christina. Introduction: Neoliberal turns in higher education (with Jakob Krause-Jensen). Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences. Special issue: Shaping Student Futures, ed. by J. Krause-Jensen and C. Garsten.
Fisher, Melissa. Notes on the Anthropology of Gender in Finance. The Journal of Business Anthropology, 3, June.
Garsten, Christina. Sorting people in and out: The plasticity of the categories of employability, work capacity and disability as technologies of government (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Ephemera, 13(4): 825-850.
Garsten, Christina. In search of corporate social responsibility: Introduction to special issue (with Peter Fleming and John Roberts). Organization, 20(3): 337-348.
Garsten, Christina. Post-political regulation: Illusory consensus and hybrid forms of governance (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Critical Sociology, 39(3): 421-437.
Garsten, Christina. Business Anthropology: Towards an anthropology of worth? (with Brian Moeran). Journal of Business Anthropology, 2(1): 1-8.
Sörbom, Adrienne. Individualization, Life Politics, and the Reformulation of Social Critique: an Analysis of the Global Justice Movement (with Magnus Wennerhag). Critical Sociology, 39(3): 453-478.
Andersson, Jenny. The Great Future Debate and the Struggle for the World. The Rise of Futurology as a National and Transnational Field of Control and Dissent in the Cold War. American Historical Review, 5(117): 1411-1430.
Fisher, Melissa. Toward a Feminist Para-Ethnography on Gender Equality Policy Making in Business. Collaborative Anthropologies, 5, December.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Globalization as It Happens: On Globalizing Assemblages in Tax Planning. Distinktion, 13(3): 295-309.
Garsten, Christina. Letter from the Editors (with Brian Moeran). Journal of Business Anthropology, 1(2): 174-176.
Garsten, Christina. What’s in a Name? - Editors’ Introduction to the Journal of Business Anthropology (with Brian Moeran). Journal of Business Anthropology, 1(1): 1-19.
Maguire, Mark. Bio-power, racialization and new security technology. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 18(5): 593-607.
Garsten, Christina. Transparency and legibility in international institutions: The UN Global Compact and post-political global ethics (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Social Anthropology, 19(4): 378-393.
Garsten, Christina. Recherche qualitative dans les organisations: Éléments méthodologiques. Le Libellio d’ AEGIS, 7(2): 1-13.
Fisher, Melissa. Wall Street Women: Engendering Global Finance in the Manhattan Landscape. City and Society: The Journal for the Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology, 22(2): 262-285.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Hybrid Networks and the Global Politics of the Digital Revolution: A Practice-based, Relational, and Agnostic Approach. Global Networks (Oxford), 10(3): 424-442.
Andersson, Jenny. Images of Sweden and the Nordic Countries (with Mary Hilson). Editorship of Special Issue of Scandinavian Journal of History.
Andersson, Jenny. Nordic Nostalgia and Nordic Light: the Swedish model as Utopia 1930–2007. The Scandinavian journal of economics, 34(3): 229-245.
Maguire, Mark. The birth of biometric security. Anthropology Today, 25(2): 9-14.
Garsten, Christina. Corporate globalization, civil society and postpolitical regulation: Whither democracy? (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Development Dialogue, 49: 143-158.
Garsten, Christina. Mirrors of organizing: plots, anxieties, and potentialities in the work of Henrik Ibsen. Organization Studies, 28(8): 1271-1277.
Andersson, Jenny. The People’s Library and the Electronic Workshop. Swedish and British Social Democracy interpret the Knowledge Society. Politics and Society, 34(3): 431-460.
Andersson, Jenny. Choosing futures. Alva Myrdal and the construction of Swedish futures studies 1967-1972. International Review of Social History, 51(2): 277-295.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Beyond The Black Box. Social Epistemology, 19(2-3): 225-229.
Garsten, Christina. Risky business: Discourses of risk and (ir)responsibility in globalizing markets (with Anna Hasselström). Ethnos, 68(2): 249-270.
Garsten, Christina. The cosmopolitan organization: An essay on corporate accountability. Global Networks, 3(3): 355-370.
Garsten, Christina. Trust, control and post-bureaucracy (with Chris Grey). Organization Studies, 22(2): 229- 250.
Nyqvist, Anette. Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs. Shaping Industries, Creating Professionals (co-edited with Hege Høyer Leivestad). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Books. (in production).
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming).
Andersson, Jenny. The Struggle for the Long-Term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future (with Egle Rindzeviciute). Routledge Approaches to History. Routledge.
Garsten, Christina. Makeshift Work: The Swedish Model in the Post- Financial Crisis Era (with Jessica Lindvert and Renita Thedvall). Basingstoke: Edward Elgar.
Garsten, Christina. Anthropology Now and Next: Diversity, Connections, Confrontations, Reflexivity (with Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Shalini Randeria). London: Berghahn Publishers.
Garsten, Christina. Management and Organization of Temporary Agency Work (with Bas Koene and Nathalie Galais). London: Routledge.
Maguire, Mark. The anthropology of security: perspectives from the frontline of policing, counterterrorism and border control (with C. Frois and N. Zurawski). London and New York: Pluto Press.
Garsten, Christina and Anette Nyqvist. Organisational Anthropology: Doing Ethnography In and Among Complex Organisations. London: Pluto Press.
Garsten, Christina. Ethical Dilemmas in Management (with Tor Hernes). London: Routledge.
Garsten, Christina. Transparency in a New Global Order (with Monica Lindh de Montoya). Basingstoke: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garsten, Christina. Organizing Transnational Accountability (with Magnus Boström). London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fisher, Melissa. Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy (with Greg Downey). Durham: Duke University Press.
Sörbom, Adrienne. Den tömda demokratin - och vägarna tillbaka till makten. [Emptied Democracy – and the roads back to power]. Stockholm: Atlas.
Garsten, Christina. Market Matters: Exploring Cultural Processes in the Global Marketplace (with Monica Lindh de Montoya). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Garsten, Christina. Learning to be Employable: New Agendas on Work, Employability and Learning in a Globalizing World (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Chapters in anthologies
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Transparency (with Oana Albu), in International Handbook of Organizational Communication, ed. J. Barker. (in press).
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Policy by numbers - corporate advocacy in the internet domain, in Politics and the Corporate World, eds. C. Garsten and A. Sörbom. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar. (in production).
Nyqvist, Anette. Talking Like an Institutional Investor. On the Gentle Voice of Financial Giants, in Politics and the Corporate World, eds. C. Garsten and A. Sörbom. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar. (in production).
Picard, Sébastien. Leading the war on epidemics: Exploring corporations’ predatory modus operandi and their effects on institutional field dynamics (with V. Steyer, X. Phillipe and M. Pérezts), in Politics and the Corporate World, eds. C. Garsten and A. Sörbom. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar. (in production).
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Sorting data out – unpacking big data value chains and algorithmic knowledge production (with A.K. Madsen), in Die Gesellschaft der Daten. Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen Ordnung, ed. F. Süssenguth. transcript Verlag: Bielefeld.
Maguire, Mark. Questioned by machines: a cultural perspective on counter-terrorism and lie detection in security zones, in Resisting biopolitics: philosophy, politics and performance, eds. S. Wilmer and A. Zukauskaite. London and New York: Routledge.
Maguire, Mark. Migrants in the realm of experts: the migration-crime-terrorist nexus after 9-11, in The securitisation of migration in the EU: debates since 9/11, eds. K. Wadia and G. Lazaridis. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sörbom, Adrienne. Why didn't happen here? The gradual radicalization of the anarchist movement in Sweden 1980–90 (with Jan Jämte), in A European youth revolt: European perspectives on youth protest and social movements in the 1980s, eds. Knud Andresen, Bart van der Steen. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Andersson, Jenny. Losing social democracy. Reflections on the erosion of a paradigmatic case of social democracy, in European social democracy during the global economic crisis: Renovation or resignation?, eds. David J. Bailey, Jean-Michel De Waele, Fabien Escalona and Mathieu Vieira. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. Högt spel i gränslandet mellan politik och marknad, in Alla dessa marknader, eds. Jenny Björkman and Björn Fjæstad. Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsbok 2014/15. Stockholm: Makadam förlag.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. Values aligned: The organization of conflicting values within the World Economic Forum, in Configuring Value Conflicts in Markets, eds. Susanna Alexius and Kristina Tamm- Hallström. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Maguire, Mark. Counter-terrorism in European airports, in The anthropology of security: perspectives from the frontline of policing, counter-terrorism and border control, eds. M. Maguire, C. Frois and N. Zurawski. London and New York: Pluto Books.
Nyqvist, Anette. Polarization and Convergence of Values at the Intermediary Position (with R. Thedvall), in Market Values: Configuring values, organizing markets, eds. S. Alexius and K. Tamm Hallström. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar.
Garsten, Christina and Anette Nyqvist. Entries. Engaging organisational worlds, in Organisational Anthropology: Doing Anthropology in and among Complex Organisations, eds. C. Garsten and A. Nyqvist. London: Pluto Press.
Garsten, Christina and Anette Nyqvist. Momentum. Pushing ethnography ahead, in Organisational Anthropology: Doing Anthropology in and among Complex Organisations, eds. C. Garsten and A. Nyqvist. London: Pluto Press.
Nyqvist, Anette. Access to all stages? Studying through policy in a culture of accessibility, in Organisational Anthropology: Doing Anthropology in and among Complex Organisations, eds. C. Garsten and A. Nyqvist. London: Pluto Press.
Garsten, Christina. Corporate social responsibility and cultural practices in globalizing markets, in A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe, eds. Ullrich Kockel, Mairead Nic Craith and Jonas Frykman. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Andersson, Jenny. Not without a future, in The future of European social democracy, eds. Henning Meyer and Jonathan Rutherford. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Maguire, Mark. Vanishing borders and biometric citizens, in Security, insecurity and migration in Europe, ed. G. Lazaridis. London: Ashgate.
Nyqvist, Anette. Sweden’s National Pension System as a Political Technology, in Policy Worlds: Anthropology and the Analysis of Contemporary Power, eds. C. Shore, S. Wright and D. Peró. New York: Berghahn books.
Sörbom, Adrienne. It is merely changing: An analysis of the concept of individualization in relation to contemporary political participation, in New Forms of Citizen Participation: Normative Implications, ed. E. Amnå. Berlin: Nomos verlag.
Andersson, Jenny. Socialdemokratin, tillväxten och den sociala utslagningen, in Industriland, tolv forskare om när Sverige blev modernt, ed. Jan Af Geijerstam. Stockholm: Premiss förlag.
Andersson, Jenny. The knowledge society as utopia, in Exploring the Utopian Impulse: Essays on Utopian Thought and Practice, eds. Michael J Griffin and Tom Moylan. Brussels: Peter Lang.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Internet Regulation: Multi-Stakeholder Participation and Authority (with S. Bislev), in Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics, eds. H.K. Hansen and D. Salskov-Iversen. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Transnational private governance of the Internet: The roles of business (with S. Bislev), in Transnational Private Governance and its Limits, eds. J-C. Graz and A. Nölke. London: Routledge (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political Science, No. 51).
Andersson, Jenny. Solidarity or competition. Creating the European Knowledge Society, in European Solidarities. Tensions and contentions of a concept. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. Travail &Societe/Work &Society.
Andersson, Jenny. Baklänges in i framtiden, om folkhemsnostalgi och historiska framtidsvisioner, in Den självstyrande medborgaren? Ny historia om rättvisa, demokrati och välfärd, eds. Christina Florin, Elisabeth Elgan and Gro Hagemann. Stockholm: Institutet för framtidsstudier.
Nyqvist, Anette. Inuti det orange kuvertet, in Mellan folkbildning och fondrådgivning. Nya perspektiv på pensionssystemet, ed. U. Lundberg. Stockholm: Institute for Future Studies.
Andersson, Jenny. Reflections on the meaning of the Social and Liberal Model, in Social Europe: a continents’ answer to market fundamentalism, eds. Detlev Albers, Stephen Haseler and Henning Meyer. London: European Research Forum at London Metropolitan University.
Andersson, Jenny. Growth and Security: Swedish reformism in the Post-War Period, in Socialism and Social Reform in the Twentieth Century: Cultures of Social Democracy in Historical and Comparative Perspective, eds. John Callaghan and Llaria Favretto. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Flyverbom, Mikkel. Technological imageries and governance arrangements: Global networks in the service of development (with H.K. Hansen), in Digital Governance://Networked Societies: Creating authority, community and identity in a globalized world, eds. H.K. Hansen and J. Hoff. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
Andersson, Jenny. A Productive Social Citizenship? Reflections on the Concept of Productive Social Policies in the European Tradition, in A European Social Citizenship? Preconditions for Future Policies from a Historical Perspective, eds. Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
Andersson, Jenny. Kunskap som kritik. Ett perspektiv på det sena 1960-talets och 1980-talets kritik av den starka staten, in Bortom den starka staten, eds. Bo Rothstein and Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll. Stockholm: SNS.
Garsten, Christina. Organized and disorganized Utopias: An essay on presumption (with Chris Grey), in Utopia, Ideology and Organization, ed. M. Parker. Oxford: Blackwell.