Mikkel Flyverbom
Mikkel Flyverbom

About the project

In this project on ‘Global Foresight and Anticipatory Governance’, my research explores the how digital technologies and ‘big data’ condition particular forms of knowledge in the context of anticipatory governance. Through empirical research, he investigates how digital, data-saturated organizations engage in future foresight activities and attempt to shape global governance efforts.

Short biography

Mikkel Flyverbom is Associate Professor at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His research focuses on digital transformations, internet governance, transparency, and sociological questions about big data. In various projects and publications, I have explored how digital technologies shape communication and governance processes in organizational settings. More specifically, I am interested in how organizations engage with digital transformations, such as ‘big data’ and internet infrastructures that unsettle established ways of working and thinking. While I have a background in communication, my work also draws on insights from organization and management studies and sociology. I am currently working on a book on digital technologies and managed visibilities to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Selected publications



Flyverbom, M. (2019) The Digital Prism: Transparency and managed visibilities in a datafied world, Cambridge University Press.


The Power of Networks: Organizing the Global Politics of the Internet. Edward Elgar.

Peer-reviewed articles


with R. Helles. Meshes of Surveillance, Prediction, and Infrastructure: On the Cultural and Commercial Consequences of Digital Platforms. Surveillance & Society 17(1).


with J. Murray. Datastructuring: Organizing and curating digital traces
into action, Big Data & Society, 5(2).

with H. Hansen. Surveillance and transparency in action: On digital
transformations, proactive governance and logics of temporality, in The Transparency
Imperative: Norms, Structures, Practices
, edited by F. Osrecki and V. Rzepka.


Representing Participation in ICT4D Projects (with J.P. Singh). Telecommunications Policy. (accepted).


Big data: Issues for International Political Sociology (with A. Koed Madsen, E. Ruppert and M. Hilbert), commissioned article for International Political Sociology. (accepted).

The Management of Visibilities in the Digital Age, first editor of introduction to special issue (with P. Leonardi, C. Stohl and M. Stohl). International Journal of Communication, vol. 10.

Transparency – Mediation and Managed Visibilities. International Journal of Communication, vol. 10.


The power-transparency nexus: Observational and regularizing control, first author (with H.K. Hansen and L.T. Christensen). Management Communication Quarterly.

Sunlight in cyberspace: On transparency as a form of ordering. European Journal of Social Theory.

Introduction to Special Issue: Logics of Transparency in Late Modernity: Paradoxes, Mediation and Governance (with L.T. Christensen and H.K. Hansen). European Journal of Social Theory.


The politics of transparency and the calibration of knowledge in the digital age (with H.K. Hansen). Organization.


Globalization as It Happens: On Globalizing Assemblages in Tax Planning. Distinktion, 13(3): 295-309.


Hybrid Networks and the Global Politics of the Digital Revolution: A Practice-based, Relational, and Agnostic Approach. Global Networks (Oxford), 10(3): 424-442.


Beyond The Black Box. Social Epistemology, 19(2-3): 225-229.

Chapters in anthologies


with H.K. Hansen. Policing and Anticipatory Transparency: On Digital Transformations, Proactive Governance and Logics of Temporality. In: August V., Osrecki F. (eds) Der Transparenz-Imperativ. Springer VS, Wiesbaden


Transparency (with Oana Albu), in International Handbook of Organizational Communication, ed. J. Barker. (in press).


Policy by numbers - corporate advocacy in the internet domain, in Politics and the Corporate World, eds. C. Garsten and A. Sörbom. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar. (in press).


Sorting data out – unpacking big data value chains and algorithmic knowledge production (with A.K. Madsen), in Die Gesellschaft der Daten. Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen Ordnung, ed. F. Süssenguth. transcript Verlag: Bielefeld.


Internet Regulation: Multi-Stakeholder Participation and Authority (with S. Bislev), in Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics, eds. H.K. Hansen and D. Salskov-Iversen. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Transnational private governance of the Internet: The roles of business (with S. Bislev), in Transnational Private Governance and its Limits, eds. J-C. Graz and A. Nölke. London: Routledge (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political Science, No. 51).


Technological imageries and governance arrangements: Global networks in the service of development (with H.K. Hansen), in Digital Governance://Networked Societies: Creating authority, community and identity in a globalized world, eds. H.K. Hansen and J. Hoff. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.